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"Entrepreneurship - a story has never been easy for those who carry the desire to build their own empire. It's a long journey, from conceiving ideas to the process of realizing them. Successful entrepreneurship doesn't halt at great ideas; it also encompasses the enduring value that the business brings forth.

"Live Positively" doesn't merely talk about positive slogans; it's also a place where positive thinking is nurtured, generating a strong source of energy for you to gather more courage in facing the challenges and adversities that occur in your own life.

War has always been one of the most distressing topics, as it entails not only the battles between leaders but also the grave and brutal consequences it leaves behind. So, who bears responsibility for the devastation and ruins following the aftermath of these wars?

"Youth will eventually leave us and fly away”. Therefore, in the months and years brimming with vitality, we should refrain from wasting time, especially on meaningless tasks.