A farewell to arms | Ernest Hemingway

“A Farewell to Arms” is the unforgettable story of an American ambulance driver on the Italian front and his passion for a beautiful English nurse. Set against the looming horrors of the battlefield - the weary, demoralized men marching in the rain during the German attack on Caporetto; the profound struggle between loyalty and desertion—this gripping, semiautobiographical work captures the harsh realities of war and the pain of lovers caught in its inexorable sweep.

This work has an Italian tone while still seeming extremely American because of its extensive vocabulary as well as distinctive rhythm of short phrases and frequent repetitions. The words used by the author to describe events, particularly battles, are masterful. He also adapts his writing style to fit the ethnicities and personalities of the characters. It is an excellent work that is well-researched, intriguing and has a contemporary tone.