In a strategic alliance that has the potential to reshape the future of collaboration in library area, the General Library of Quang Ngai Province has entered into a collaborative pact with TDTU Library to chart its digitalization journey.

In a remarkable display of friendship and knowledge exchange, the library team of Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine embarked on a visit to TDTU INSPiRE Library.

June 13, 2023 - TDTU INSPiRE Library team visited Eastern International University Library (Thu Dau Mot City, Binh Duong Province) and had a meeting with Dr. Hoang Thi Thuc - EUI Library Director and her colleagues at EIU Library.

The delegation of VinUni University Library led by Mr. Tony Tin - Director and his librarians had a visit at TDTU INSPiRE Library. On behalf of TDTU INSPiRE Library, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Loan Thuy - Library manager received and worked with the delegation.

The virtual workshop “How to effectively exploit the Web of Science” hosted by TDTU INSPiRE Library and Clarivate aimed to help explore how to effectively apply search strategies and techniques to its online databases and other featured tools.

The visit to TDTU Library of FPT University Libraries was affirming the good relationship between TDTU Library and its partners as well as opening up opportunities for library professional exchange in the future.