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Ton Duc Thang University Scientific Prize Award Ceremony

The Award Ceremony for the Ton Duc Thang University Scientific Prize (TDTU Prize)

On January 19, 2018, Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) proudly organized the Award Ceremony for the Ton Duc Thang University Scientific Prize (TDTU Prize). There were many distinguished guests who spent their precious time to join this special event, including Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu – Vice President of the HCMC People’s Committee, Mr. Sofian Akmal Abd. Karim - Consulate General of Malaysia in HCMC, Mr. Kyle Nunas - Consulate General of Canada in HCMC, Mr.Luu Trung Nghia – Director of Department of Science and Technology in Gia Lai province and Prof. Nguyen Van Tuan - Chair of TDTU Scientific Prize Committee. About TDTU, it was our honor to welcome the President, Prof. Le Vinh Danh, the members of the Presidential board, the members of the Science & Training Committee and more than 1,000 lecturers, officers and students.

TDTU Prize was initiated by Ton Duc Thang University in 2016 and the first prize was awarded for 2017. The Prize aims to recognize and honor the world's eminent scientists for their outstanding achievements and researches; for contributing actively in the development of science and technology for mankind, as well as for their volunteer activities to serve people and society all over the world.

After 6 months launching (from March 2017 to September 2017), TDTU Prize 2017 has received 62 applications of scientists from the Philippines, Pakistan, China, India, Canada, France Italy, Israel, Russia, Belgium, Estonia, United States, Iran, Nigeria, Indonesia, Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Vietnam. The awards evaluation committee includes well-known scientists at home and abroad and is presided by Prof. Tuan V. Nguyen, decided 3 selection criteria: the productivity and quality of scientific research, The importance and innovation in research studies and the influence of scientist’s achievement in scientific research on their country and global. The final result shows that there are 4 scientists who qualify for the awards including:

  • Lifetime Achievement Award belong to 2 scientists: Prof. Edward A. McBean, Guelph University, Canada and Prof. Nguyễn Thời Trung, Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam.
  • Rising Star Award belongs to Dr. Stephanie Kwai-Yee Ma, Hong Kong University.
  • Women in Science Award belongs to Dr. Leo Choe Peng, Sains University, Malaysia.

Images from the Award Ceremony of TDTU Prize 2017:


President of TDTU Prof. Le Vinh Danh delivered the opening speech


Chair of Committee Prof. Nguyen Van Tuan introduced the achievements of the winning scientists


Prof. Lê Vinh Danh and Mr. Kyle Nunas, Consulate General of Canada presented the Lifetime Achievement Awards to Prof. Edward A. McBean, Guelph University, Canada (second person from the left) and Prof. Nguyễn Thời Trung, Ton Duc Thang University


Dr. Stephanie Kwai-Yee Ma, from Hong Kong University, received the Rising Star Award


Dr. Leo Choe Peng, from Sains University, Malaysia, received the Women in Science Award


The winners took pictures with the Vice President of the HCMC People’s Committee,
the President of TDTU and other distinguished guests




Friends and families went on stage to congratulate the winners


Scientists share their special thoughts on winning TDTU Prize 2017:


The real achievement in life is being able to look back and feel you’ve lived a life rich in meaning.
As they say, life is more about the journey than the destination. My philosophy has always been,
find something you love to do, work hard at it, and good will come from it.


I saw it not only an award for present, but also a prize for the future, reminding me
to continue and strive to further develop my capabilities and contribute to the success and development of TDTU,
as well as the development of the computational science field in Vietnam in the coming years.


I hope that our work will translate to the clinic and one day make a difference
to the lives of the many people facing the challenges associated with cancer around the world.


Perhaps, my English is poor. Every time I hear “impossible”, I think I heard “I am Possible”.


More about TDTU Prize 2017

With the aim of becoming a research university with international standards, TDTU always thrives to improve the quality of science and technology via several activities such as publishing 2 international journals, possessing 7 patents from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), regularly hosting the international conferences, etc., and now organizing "TON DUC THANG UNIVERSITY SCIENTIFIC PRIZE". The Prize is one of TDTU’s efforts to contribute to improve the country's educational and scientific activities to the international level.