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December 9, 2022 - The delegation of the Consulate General of Japan in Ho Chi Minh City, including Mr. Watanabe Nobuhiro- the Consul General, Mr. Shiraishi Hideyuki - Head of Culture and Education Department and Ms. Nguyen Thi Bao Uyen - Officer of Culture and Education Department of the Consulate General of Japan in Ho Chi Minh City, visited and attended the Book Donation Ceremony of the Read Japan Project from Nippon Foundation at INSPiRE Library. The delegation received a warm welcome from Dr. Tran Trong Dao - TDTU President, Dr. Dinh Hoang Bach - Director of the International Cooperation, Research and Training Institute, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Loan Thuy - manager of INSPiRE Library. 

At the meeting, Mr. Watanabe Nobuhiro addressed that this was the first time the Read Japan Project was applied by TDTU and also the first time he visited TDTU. He hoped that the meeting would be a milestone of the cultural and educational cooperation relationship between TDTU and the Consulate General of Japan in Ho Chi Minh City in the near future, especially in the next year when Japan and Vietnam celebrated the 50th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations with many events held in both countries. Dr. Tran Trong Dao expressed his appreciation to the Consulate General of Japan in Ho Chi Minh City, the Nippon Foundation, who supported TDTU Library to receive valuable books on Japan. He also mentioned the successful results of the TDTU and Japan institutions cooperation in education and research. Dr. Tran Trong Dao agreed to boost the cooperation between TDTU and the Consulate General of Japan in Ho Chi Minh City in the near future.

After attending the meeting and the ceremony, Mr. Watanabe Nobuhiro and the delegation visited the display area for the books donated from the Read Japan Project as well as facilities at TDTU INSPiRE Library.

The Read Japan Project by the Japan Foundation and the Japan Science Association started in 2008 to promote understanding of the country and people of Japan as well as enhance cultural exchanges in the relationship between Japan and other countries. In 2022, TDTU INSPiRE Library received English-language books on Japan covering various genres such as folklore, history, geography, traditional arts, administration, etc. to promote the understanding of Japanese country and culture at TDTU.
