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June 26, 2024 - The BookTalk event on "Fantasy Literature and Translation" took place at INSPiRE Library, co-organized by INSPiRE Library and Chi Culture Joint Stock Company (Chibooks). The event attracted nearly 100 students interested in fantasy literature and literary translation. Translator Pham Thuy Le (Ms.) was the featured speaker.

Thuy Le, a lecturer at Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport, shared her experiences and passion for literature, particularly the fantasy genre. With over a decade of dedication to English literary translation, Thuy Le has translated numerous international award-winning works. She is known for her enthusiasm and efforts to bring international literature closer to Vietnamese readers.

Thuy Le's stories provided students with insights into different translation styles, especially within fantasy literature. She emphasized essential translation skills needed to balance the original and translated content, ensuring readers can easily follow the translated narrative. Her career challenges and successes, shared through personal anecdotes, inspired students in their career paths.

Following the session with the host, students asked Thuy Le various questions about the translation profession, skills, and the role of technology in translation. She answered honestly, encouraging future translators to pursue their passion for translation and the English language.

The program included a lively minigame with challenging questions about fantasy literature. Students competed enthusiastically, and those with the highest scores received prizes, which were the fantasy books translated by Thuy Le.

The BookTalk event on "Fantasy Literature and Translation" left a lasting impression on the students, giving them a deeper understanding of fantasy literature and the translation profession.

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