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To uphold academic integrity and prevent plagiarism in teaching, learning, and research, Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) has employed Turnitin, a similarity-checking tool from the academic year 2023-2024. This tool was applied to various academic works within the university, including Ph.D. and Master's theses, undergraduate dissertations, thematic reports, etc. Additionally, TDTU has been utilizing the iThenticate similarity-checking tool for international publications since 2020.

To ensure the proficient utilization of Turnitin, TDTU Library collaborated with specialists from iGroup Vietnam to conduct a series of three online workshops tailored for different user groups, drew an impressive audience of over 600 participants:

- On August 15, 2023, the workshop was held specifically for librarians serving as administrators.

- On August 24-25, 2023, a comprehensive series of online workshops catered to various roles within the Faculties/Institutes/Centers. These roles included sub-administrators, instructors, and learners, encompassing PhD students, Master's students, and undergraduate students.

The training program has been customized to cater to the unique needs of each user group, providing tutorials and hands-on experience with the Turnitin: The initial part was specifically designed for TDTU students, encompassing Ph.D. and Master's students, and undergraduate students. It equipped them with the knowledge of how to submit their papers to the system. Furthermore, it guided on how to utilize the software's source database to review their articles and refine their reports. This empowered learners to have control over their academic works, ensuring they steer clear of plagiarism. The next part of the workshop was geared towards instructors covering topics related to class creation, permissions assignment, and guidance on overseeing students within their classes. Experts provided guidance on managing student accounts and related information, enabling instructors to effectively harness the software and offer support to students as needed. The final part of the program was tailored for secondary administrators. This segment places emphasised on the administrative features of Turnitin, focusing on managing instructor accounts and configuring software features in accordance with current policies.

The workshop has imparted valuable insights into the features of the Turnitin to various user groups, particularly instructors from Faculties/Institutes/Centers and learners, comprising PhD students, Master's students, and undergraduate students. This knowledge empowered them with the requisite information and competencies to proficiently employ the Turnitin similarity-checking tool for academic works. By doing so, they were well-equipped to uphold academic integrity in accordance with TDTU regulations.
