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New Arrivals

For anyone looking for a simpler and better life in mind, and in body,this book is an aid to discover the great potential that nature gives to all of us.

“One Decision” is a wake-up call to your soul. It gives you a blueprint for how to make decisions that bring you joy and peace. Decisions also help you discover the freedom that comes from letting go and stopping self-doubt...

“Vương triều Tudor cuối cùng” (The last Tudor dynasty) of Philippa Gregory is a book about the three Tudor sisters: Jane Grey - The Nine Day Queen, who is also known as a martyr saint...

The book “Tạm biệt Alzheimer” is not only useful for professionals, patients (who are directly affected by the disease) and their families but also for readers in general, those who are high-risk patients and are affected by modern lifestyle per day.